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Treatment of Dysgraphia in Children: What Do We Do?

If we suspect that our child may be showing symptoms of Dysgraphia, a neurological disorder that affects the children’s motor skills to form and write words or tend to use the wrong words from what they are trying to convey. There is no cure or medication for Dysgraphia but depending on the type of Dysgraphia that the child may be suffering from, proper treatment of Dysgraphia can be helpful to improve the overall school and social life. 


Types of Dysgraphia:

  • Dyslexic Dysgraphia:

Someone suffering from this disorder is unable to produce legible work while writing spontaneously or when copying someone else’s work.


  • Motor Dysgraphia:

Motor Dysgraphia can be caused by a lack of fine motor skills, a lack of dexterity, a lack of muscle tone, or any other kind of motor clumsiness.


  • Spatial Dysgraphia:

Spatial Dysgraphia is a learning disability caused by an inability to conceptualise spatial relationships. Students often struggle with writing in a straight line.


  • Phonological Dysgraphia:

Phonetically irregular words, strange words, and non-words are all difficult to spell for those with Phonological Dysgraphia.


  • Lexical Dysgraphia:

Lexical dysgraphia manifests itself when a person can spell but uses normal sound-to-letter patterns when spelling unusual words.


What are the common symptoms of Dysgraphia?

  • Incomplete letters
  • Many spelling errors
  • Slow writing speed
  • Irregular sizing in letters and shaped
  • Odd grip on pen or pencil and experiencing pain in the hand or arm
  • Unable to write between the lines and maintain proper spacing between letters.
  • Struggling to make words to convey their message properly


Treatment of Dysgraphia

Seeking professional help especially during the early stages of Dysgraphia can help build and improve our child’s self-esteem and provide the needed assistance for them to achieve their goals.


  • Instruction and supporting children with Dysgraphia:

Writing is a very complicated process as it involves using many different motor skills. Supporting and encouraging children to work around their weak points and build up their skills slowly.


  • Help the child hold the pen/ pencil comfortably:

Though the child may not understand the purpose for changing the way they hold the pen. Teaching a kid proper and comfortable ways to hold the pen, may result in reduced hand fatigue and pencil pressure.


  • Guide the child to speak the words their writing:

Auditory feedback engages various areas of the brain, which can help our kids to stay more focused while writing and we can monitor their efforts properly.


  • Exercise  muscle memory:

Encourage the child to remember and differentiate between certain words and shapes. We can point out things and ask them what it is or let them write words in sand, air or even paint. This will help build the child’s self-confidence.


Treatment of dysgraphia may be a difficult process, so Empowerkidz can help ease that difficulty by assisting children that suffer from Dysgraphia to gain their confidence by using a variety of different learning methods and approaches.

Contact Dr. Anupma Sethi at +1-669-900-2315 today to find out more about how you can help change your child’s life.


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