What is Dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a learning disability that can affect an individual’s ability to understand and perform math-related activities like counting numbers, memorizing tables and so on. It is known to be a lifelong disorder and can affect anyone at any age but is mostly seen in children. Whether we know that our child has Dyscalculia or we think that our child may have it, there are ways we can help them. We can get professionals as well as teachers to help us work with our children to build their math skills and number sense. As with other learning disabilities, the treatment of dyscalculia is not possible through medication. Rather, we can help our kids with specialised learning strategies and accommodations to lessen the difficulties and make our kids more confident with maths.
Treatment of Dyscalculia:
As parents, we don’t have to teach our children maths but create an environment and space that would encourage them to effectively build strong mathematical skills. There are many ways we can help our children build their ability towards solving math problems. We need to be aware of our child’s disability and try not to make practising maths daunting to them but instead, make it fun and engaging for them.
Making maths part of daily activities:
It makes it more simple to understand the concept of maths when applied to daily life. For example, when we go grocery shopping with our kids, we can engage and talk to them about how much change we get back in the checkout or how much oranges we need for an entire week. This builds up the child’s confidence and strengthens their ability to make sense of numbers and visual-spatial skills.
Also Read: Symptoms Of Dyscalculia, We Should Keep a Lookout For
Play games related to maths:
You may find a wide variety of board games that require simple arithmetic exercises, such as counting, as well as a wide variety of motor abilities. With our children, we may make intimidating math tasks more entertaining and interesting.
Helping children manage their time:
Children with Dyscalculia often have trouble estimating how much time has passed or when they should move on to the next activity, which makes it difficult for them to manage their time. We can assist our children to develop a better sense of time by helping them build up proper timetables and schedules for their daily activities.
Help with homework:
We can help our children with their math homework by breaking down the problems into smaller chunks or tackling the homework together. This can help kids understand the steps and strategies to solve the problems better.
The treatment of Dyscalculia may be difficult because math is so ubiquitous in our daily lives, but it is not impossible. Our children’s math confidence can be boosted with the correct adjustments and understanding.
Empowerkidz helps kids with various learning disabilities by focusing on the underlying shortcomings that interfere with the child’s math performance and providing them with practical strategies to boost their confidence.
Learning Disability Services: Take a Free Assessment
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