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Types of Reading Difficulties

Types of Dyslexia 


There are many children who have certain types of reading difficulties. These difficulties stem from those with reading disabilities such as dyslexia or learning disabilities or those who simply lag behind and could use some focused reading assistance. Children with reading difficulties can severely impair their academic performance and, if it persists into adulthood, can also create difficulties in the workplace. Reading difficulties are best addressed at an early age. 

As a parent, knowing about the different types of reading difficulties and the errors a child makes will help identify what aspect of reading a child is finding challenging. From there, we will be able to devise an appropriate intervention plan on how to improve reading skills. 



Indications of Reading Difficulties:


  • Pronunciation or phonological difficulties.
  • Inability to understand/remember what was read.
  • Speaking slowly when reading aloud.
  • Reading without punctuation.
  • When reading, no expression or intonation is used.
  • Confusion over letters.



Types of Reading Difficulties:



  • Decoding Troubles:


The ability to recognize and interpret written text is achieved through the decoding of images and sounds. This is at the heart of phonological awareness and processing and is the foundation for reading. Children who struggle with decoding words will often display difficulties comprehending what they have read. They put a great deal of energy into making sense of the words, and as a result, miss the meaning of the text.



  • Weak Vocabulary:


Students with poor vocabulary knowledge are at risk of developing broader language weaknesses and reading comprehension difficulties that will negatively affect their academic performance. 



  • Reading fluency Troubles:


A fluent reader reads with speed, accuracy, and the right expression. If a child cannot read with fluency, they sound choppy and awkward. These children might have difficulties with decoding skills or they may just need more practice with speed and smoothness in reading. 



  • Trouble with Comprehension:


A reader’s comprehension is based on understanding the content of what he or she reads. Word decoding difficulties often overlap with reading comprehension issues. However, some readers with reading comprehension challenges don’t have decoding difficulties. Simply put, they don’t comprehend what they have read. 



  • Difficulty in Inferencing:


Inferential comprehension involves the child’s ability to make inferences. Deficits in inferential comprehension can lead to children taking what is being said literally, misinterpreting what is being said, or misunderstanding the intended meaning.



  • Non-verbal learning difficulties:


C with nonverbal learning difficulties often have difficulty understanding facial expressions and body language. They may also have difficulty with motor skills as well as visual-spatial abilities. 



Want to know how to improve reading skills of your child?


Empowerkids helps children by providing individualized assessments and dyslexia screenings that address all of the factors that may be affecting the child and may aid in the treatment of dyslexia.



Contact Dr. Anupma Sethi at +1-669-900-2315 today to learn more about Dyslexia screening and our customised approach, which includes the Orton-Gillingham approach, multisensory approach, and science of reading, which can help children with Dyslexia.


  • Rainer says:

    I am Rainer, from Tanzania. I have know you through Rosaline African Dyslexia Organization. And we in Tanzania we have Dyslexia Tanzania. We are together into one group as awareness in Non physical disabilities in Africa. But at least she is good on that area. But in Tanzania we are almost new in that. We need more support from people like you in LD. We have been working hard, but little support from the government institutions. We have communicated with international Dyslexia org. Some process are on progress.

    Dyslexia Tanzania

    • anupma.ekz says:

      Thanks, Rainer,
      You are doing a great job. We are all together in this effort to raise awareness among the community and provide services for children and their families.
      Please stay connected, we have started a long journey by taking baby steps.

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