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Steps in Improving Schooling – Six Simple Steps at Home that can give a child an Advantage at School.

It can be daunting for parents of children with learning problems to try to help their children learn even the most basic skills. It’s natural for parents to feel driven to entrust their child’s education to professionals who have spent countless hours learning the specifics of their child’s disabilities. We must remember that as parents, we are our child’s first and most important teachers in their life. So we should get involved in our child’s school activities and plan the steps in improving schooling.


Here are some Steps in Improving Schooling!

#1 Form a partnership with the school staff:

The first and most important step in assisting our children’s academic success is to find a way to meet the teachers and staff who are directly involved with our children. Please inform the teacher that we are always available and that they should contact us if they encounter any difficulties while teaching our children.

#2 Determine how your child learns best:

Every child, whether they have a learning disability or not, has a unique learning style. Some children learn by seeing or reading aloud, while others learn by listening or writing. We can determine which method of learning our child prefers and then reinforce that method at home and at school.

#3 Concentrate on efforts rather than results:

Keep in mind that children with learning disabilities may not achieve high grades. As parents, we must always communicate to our children that putting forth our best efforts is always more important than the results themselves. 

#4 Motivate them while keeping an eye on their emotions:

Children with learning disabilities frequently struggle with their emotions both in and out of school. As a result, it is our responsibility, as well as that of teachers, to keep an eye on our child’s emotional state. When they are feeling down, the best way to motivate them is to talk to them.

#5 Encourage children’s curiosity:

Every child is naturally inquisitive. If parents or teachers react negatively to such curiosities, the child will often suppress it. For children with learning disabilities, ‘curiosity’ is essential for maintaining continuity in their activities and discovering unique solutions to problems. As a result, we should not discourage them if they ask a lot of questions.

#6 Make learning enjoyable:

Rather than adhering to the strict traditional form of learning. Encourage children to learn more effectively by combining play and study. As an example, Play with dough and have fun cutting and assembling shapes, or spend some quiet time-solving puzzles, colouring, playing word or number cards.


Empowerkidz assist children by providing customised assessments and dyslexia screening that address all of the factors that may be affecting the child which may help with the treatment of Dyslexia.


Contact Dr. Anupma Sethi at +1-669-900-2315 today to know more about Dyslexia screening and understand our customised approach such as the Orton gillingham approach, multisensory approach, science of reading that can help children with Dyslexia.

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