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Myth & Facts of ADHD

Neuroimaging(Brain Imaging)


Here are some common myths & Facts of ADHD:


ADHD myth #1: It’s not a real medical condition.


There is growing scientific evidence that ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a legitimate diagnosis, including that of the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Education. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that is considered by psychologists and psychiatrists to be the “bible” for mental health, recognizes ADHD as a medical condition.

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, however, lacks biological validity, which means scientists are still seeking to understand its underlying biological causes. Furthermore, no objective diagnostic tests exist to verify whether a person has ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Instead, doctors rely on symptom assessments and other methods to diagnose this disorder.

The scientific community is devoted to working on biological validity and objective diagnostic tests for ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but there is another way to feel confident in a diagnosis in the meantime. This is referred to as reliability. It is safe to say that ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most reliable diagnoses in all of psychiatry, and especially child psychiatry. It is as reliable as diagnosing pneumonia with a chest X-ray.


ADHD myth #2: ADHD can be diagnosed with a simple test


ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cannot be diagnosed with a simple diagnostic test, such as diabetes can. However, there is a standardized way of diagnosing ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A healthcare professional gathers all the information they can about a patient’s history, including interviews, observations, assessments, and school record information. This allows them to make an effective diagnosis and rule out other potential causes for symptoms.


ADHD myth #3: ADHD is simply a childhood disorder


Study data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 6.1 million children in the United States (9.4 percent) have ever been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). Most children with ADHD outgrow it with the help of proper professional intervention by the time they are adults, but around 60% of adults with ADHD still have it. Adult ADHD seems to affect both men and women equally.


ADHD myth #4: People with ADHD are generally lazy or lack willpower.


It is not about intelligence or motivation. A person with ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may have difficulty paying attention, staying organized, or controlling their impulses at school, work, and in social settings.


ADHD myth #5: ADHD can be caused by poor parenting.


Simply applying more discipline without taking into account the symptoms of ADHD will not help treating ADHD. It is not a result of bad parenting or anything. Establishing a routine at home and setting clear expectations can aid in managing ADHD.


ADHD myth #6: It is okay to share ADHD medication with others in an attempt to help them.


Taking ADHD medication should only be done by the person it has been prescribed for, according to the directions. ADHD medication should never be sold or given away. Selling or giving ADHD medication to others is against the law.


ADHD myth #7: ADHD only affects boys.


The facts of ADHD is that girls likely develop ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder just as much as boys do, and gender has no bearing on the symptoms. But because this myth persists, more boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD.


ADHD myth #8: Kids who can play video games for hours cannot possibly have ADHD.


An ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder child could be very distractible one moment, but extremely focused the next. In fact, ADHD is not synonymous with a lack of attention. It is a disorder of attention. Highly stimulating environments or activities can actually make someone hyper focused. It is in the more mundane and less stimulating settings that we can really see distractibility in action.


ADHD myth #9: Children with ADHD who get special accommodations are unfairly given an advantage.


Children with ADHD are at a distinct disadvantage, and school policies, accommodations, and education legislation pertaining to disabilities are intended to lessen that disadvantage. ADHD is considered a valid diagnosis. Research shows unequivocally that the diagnosis confers a host of negative outcomes, such as dropping out of high school, failing to complete college, pregnant teens, and car accidents.

Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), public schools must accommodate the special needs of all students with disabilities, including those with ADHD. Kids with ADHD can learn just as well as their peers with special accommodations, such as extra time on tests.


ADHD myth #10: There is an overdiagnosis and overmedication of ADHD.


Over 6 million children are diagnosed with ADHD – roughly 9% of children – according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because of this rise in diagnosis over the past decade, many believe ADHD cases have been exaggerated. Yes, more children are diagnosed with ADHD, but this is likely due to a greater understanding of the condition and its symptoms. Medication is often an appropriate and successful treatment, depending on a child’s symptoms.


We can help you understand more facts of ADHD


Empowerkids helps children by providing individualized assessments and dyslexia screenings that address all of the factors that may be affecting the child and may aid in the treatment of dyslexia.


You can also learn more about ADHD here: Symptoms of ADHD in Children, We Should Keep a Lookout for.


Contact Dr. Anupma Sethi at +1-669-900-2315 today to learn more about Dyslexia screening and our customised approach, which includes the Orton-Gillingham approach, multisensory approach, and science of reading, which can help children with Dyslexia.

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